Welcome to my blog!

Hello, in this blog I'm going to explain some concepts releated to Online Security.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

My last post

With this last post I say goodbye, I hope that this information will serve as a help and with it you understand better the meaning of some basic terms useful both in information technology and everyday life. Good bye! 

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Quick Test and Key Words

Before do the form practise take a look to the Quick Test and Key Words.


If you think you know enought about Online Security why don't you try your knowledge with this form?

Good Luck!


After explain hackers and online security I’m going to speak about how to take Precautions to avoid them.

Monday 6 May 2013

Online Threats

Good night! Today I bring you some information and explanations refer to Online Threats, if you are interesting in knowing about Malware and many of its varietys I advise you to take a look at the following files.